Firstly let me wish you all a very happy and healthy 2016!
Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions? I know that many of you do from the correspondence I’ve received from so many of you! The trouble is that it’s the easiest thing in the World to make them but one of the hardest things is to keep them! I do wish you luck with that and if you want to know what your favourite Muscle God does I’ll tell you right now –
I make resolutions to improve myself 365 days of every year!
Why do we need to limit ourselves? Why don’t we try to fulfil our full potential every day of our lives? 31st December shouldn’t be the only day we think of self-improvement. From January until December we all have the capacity to make our lives better, whether it be in the workplace, with our friendships with others or in our quest to get fitter and stronger. I try to do all three regularly. I learn from what is going on around me, how friendships with others can be improved and nurtured and also – and this one you’ve probably guessed already – how to make massive gains in the gym! You know the “Joshua Armstrong psyche” by now!
But it’s not only my already adonis-like frame I want and need to improve! I love to help others and my years of gym work have given me the knowledge and confidence to do that. Some people are scared to approach me because of the size and density of my muscles but when they do, they will find that I am more than willing to help and advise them with their training and diet. They trust me because of what is right in front of them; shredded abs, boulder shoulders and huge pecs! I do love to mentor people just as long as my advice is taken! If it isn’t then what’s the point of asking me in the first place. When I do mentor someone, they have to trust my experience and judgement. I trust them to do what I ask so it’s only fair that it works both ways.
Now, my latest video explores the art of mentoring but from a totally different angle. For once, it’s Josh BEING mentored before a huge bodybuilding competition. The thing is though, just how far will my mentor push me and how far will I go to ensure he’s in my corner. Best you watch what happens now because actions very often speak much louder than words ever can..