LATEX..such a fluid material. Such a smooth material. I never knew this but… such a sexy material.
The touch and feel of it…utterly amazing! My custom videos open my eyes to so many new experiences. This is one of them! As I painted the world-famous insignia on my bare skin – on my huge muscular pecs – I truly felt like SUPERMAN! After all, we have so much in common; HUGE MUSCLES!
TOTAL ALPHA PERSONALITY! EVERY BODY PART TOTALLY GODLIKE! PLUS…the desire to give people what they want and need.
The great Kal-el, sent to this Planet to save its inhabitants from evil and wrongdoing; the great Joshua Armstrong – sent to this Planet to save its inhabitants from MUSCLE & FETISH DEPRIVATION!
Here I am, jocked and pumped to the max, every muscle bulging and perfect, ready to save the World from the evil Lex Luthor! And not for the first time..but this time could be different..