About admin

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So far admin has created 833 blog entries.

My Alpha Male Cum Is His Reward

You'd be surprised how many random guys become mesmerised by my dick, and where. I was out shopping a couple of days ago and stopped in the pub down the road from my place to take a piss and after getting my cock out at the urinals this dude comes up and stands right next to me, checking out my meat out of the corner of his eye. Guys try to be subtle about it, [...]

2018-07-13T07:03:17+00:00 July 13th, 2018 7:03 am|

Male Muscle Domination: Reversed & Controlled

I couldn't believe it, it never happens to me, but I can kind of understand how it did. I'm always the one in total and complete control in a male muscle domination session with a new friend, but something happened and the scenario was flipped. He'd been begging, pleading to come over and worship my massive body and for weeks I'd been denying him, knowing it would only make him more and more crazy. Every [...]

2018-07-06T13:40:04+00:00 July 6th, 2018 1:40 pm|

Chav Lad Gets A Lesson In Male Muscle Domination

He's one of those fucking cocky little twats who walks around like he owns the place. I've seen him being an asshole to other lads in the street so when he threw me an insult right outside my door I wasn't having any of it. I called him over and he swaggered towards me, like they do, acting like the big man. He had his hand down his trackies, holding his cock. I know that's [...]

2018-06-28T08:48:36+00:00 June 28th, 2018 8:48 am|

Wrestling With My Muscle Buddies

You know what it's like with guys like me, working out gets us all horny all the time. I'm special, unique, one of the biggest of all my mates, but they're all just as horny and open to all kinds of crap all the time. They're not the kind of guys to be shy about anything and when we get together for a few drinks without their wives or girlfriends things can get pretty interesting. [...]

2018-06-21T09:44:38+00:00 June 21st, 2018 9:44 am|