About admin

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So far admin has created 833 blog entries.

New To Male Bodybuilder Worship

Sometimes you hear from a guy who says he's really into male bodybuilder worship and gets started down the path of meeting up for a session, then one day they disappear and you never hear from them again. I thought that was gonna happen with Mike when he started texting me, but I was wrong. It took a few weeks of him sending me messages and dick pics, telling me how amazing he thought my [...]

2018-09-07T06:24:55+00:00 September 7th, 2018 6:24 am|

Oiled Muscle Cock Massage

Occasionally I like to indulge, but you would expect that from a man who so often finds himself being totally worshiped by others. I don't care what someone thinks about the psychology of it, an Alpha man like me deserves the best and I'm not ashamed to treat myself. While there are thousands of men who would gladly work my oiled muscle cock for me whenever I want I like to get a little professional [...]

2018-09-05T07:18:51+00:00 September 1st, 2018 7:51 pm|

You crave my Alpha male cum

If I could bottle my jizz and sell it as an elixir I would, and I bet I would have plenty of buyers. It's like a magic potion, or at least a few guys like to think it is. One in particular craves it on a regular basis and he's determined to convince me that my Alpha male cum is what's making him train harder and get bigger every week. I'm inclined to think that [...]

2018-09-05T07:27:31+00:00 August 23rd, 2018 6:59 am|

Suck my veiny cock lad!

I remember being your age, full of attitude and overflowing with arrogance, I guess no one has put you in your place yet? You should have known when I opened the door that I wasn't gonna be interested in what you're selling after you've rang the bell ten fucking times, but I am interested in something else. You caught me at the right time, in the middle of a shower and hard as a rock. [...]

2018-09-05T07:28:18+00:00 August 19th, 2018 6:28 am|