Waiting for Come Snuggle with me to upload…

So I thought Id have a little write up on Skip loading, this only works when your VERY lean, as you need to be able to store the glycogen without the ability for it to seep into Fat.

In a nut shell, 7 day run up, low carb, medium fat, medium protein meals multiple times daily, with the back end of the week going ultra low carbohydrates.

I then get plenty of water in on night number 7 as when its wakeup on day 8, I do nothing but sit there. And eat,

No water, no protein, very low fat for 12 hours, just lots and lots and of carbohydrates from ANY source that follows the pattern of very low fat and low protein (This is for quick absorption)

These Carbs need to FLY into my muscle you see… and they can do that as I’m so depleted from the previous 7 days,

I take in around 1500g grams of carbs from any sources on this day, and it is then usable energy throughout the week,

I put on around a stone of glycogen after it, but it drops off, and about 3 days after the load I am back to being shredded again.. With the added benefits of, Energy, Improved Metabolism and plenty more muscle..

2015-01-27T14:47:17+00:00 January 27th, 2015 2:47 pm|