My Favorite Roleplay Yet

HUSBAND SENDS THE WIFE AWAY & CALLS THE HOT PLUMBER There is a crack in one of the water pipes in the kitchen and Josh, the plumber, have been called in to fix it. The wife and two kids are going out shopping for a hour and the husband is staying to make sure nothing happens. I try to get under the sink but I'm too muscular to get under there. And the husband can [...]

2014-11-16T22:01:46+00:00 November 16th, 2014 9:53 pm|

clean preview @ youtube..alarm set…

...Feeling hot and excited to film in the morning getting extremely hot.. then finish up with some roleplay wrestling.. have a real wrestle video to go up in the future with a real big guy ;) - keep in touch with me on twitter - very active there

2014-11-14T21:27:39+00:00 November 14th, 2014 9:27 pm|