This weekends VIDEOS – WOW – Also an all about Josh @ youtube

Real short one, quick youtube video about offerings etc, i made it for youtubes 'fan finder' so i can help grow my channel going to stick it into the blog too BTW.. PLEASE Keep an eye out for this weekends videos, ive got one lined up friday,saturday and sunday night and each of them are the hottest videos ive ever made... Saturday being the hottest Josh

2014-10-16T20:30:19+00:00 October 16th, 2014 8:30 pm|


Third membership option added.. 3 day pass :) hope i can meet a few more needs with this, very happy ive been able to add this to the roster, I feel like the more options available, the wider my fan base can be... $9.95 for EVERY bit of HD video from lifetime collection has gotta widen it a bit ?! HULK OUT .. GEEK TO GOD ;) Joshua and his little geeky specs.. well they [...]

2014-10-15T22:18:26+00:00 October 15th, 2014 10:18 pm|

Printer Jam..Gonna have to change that shirt Joshua

More video shooting in the morning for what i couldnt squeeze in before work today ;) ...Printer ink gets on my shirt and I get a new shirt from the boss.... Someone has the hots for me.. Maybe thats why I got the job? I notice that the shirt I gave you is tight and shows your bulging muscles and flex them for a little bit... I decide to take off the shirt because it's [...]

2014-10-14T18:47:08+00:00 October 14th, 2014 6:47 pm|